New Chapter in the Book of Love

When you loosen your grip on life and allow Love to fill all those empty, aching places within, the longing and loneliness you’ve been experiencing will naturally subside. But you were never really alone, you just got lost in the veils of illusion as you lived your life outside of your heart. Then, you heard my still small voice calling from inside you as the things of the material world lost their significance, no longer holding dominion over you.

Now, you have come Home and found me awaiting you with arms open wide. And so, dear heart, together we open a new chapter in the “Book of Love”. It is time to write a new story for the inhabitants of planet earth, a story of peace, love, and harmony.

Excerpt from “Revelations of Love: Black Madonna Diaries” by Sharon Lyn Shepard
available in paperback and ebook @

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Posted in Black Madonna Quotes, Book Exerpts.

Sharon Lyn Shepard is a modern day mystic, visionary, dream weaver, melody maker, and maestro of words. She speaks from beyond the limitations of the human mind sparking our passion and offering glimpses to discover our own soul’s wisdom.

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