Truth Within

“The truth lies within you. No matter what you see, what you read, what you’re told, or by whom, know that the truth lies within you. The truth will always expand you, empower you, and fill you with love. It will never attempt to diminish or control you. Only you can know your truth and the truth will set you free to expand your capacity to live in Love.”

Excerpt from “Revelations of Love”
Black Madonna Diaries, Volume I
available for purchase in paperback and ebook @

Blessed Path

“Beloved one, know that your path is always blessed and prepared long before your footsteps even touch the ground. You, dear one, have a gift for all of mankind. As long as you remain on the path you will always be protected and provided for and there will always be those who support you.” ~ Black Madonna ~
Excerpt from “Revelations of Love”
Black Madonna Diaries, Volume I
available for purchase in paperback and ebook @

White Buffalo Calf Woman

The original American Thanksgiving was spent in celebrating joining the people of all the Tribes. It’s time to come full circle and re-join the Tribes, the tribes of all nations of people, of nature, and of our Star brothers and sisters throughout all the Universe. White Buffalo Calf Woman comes with this Message of Peace for all of us:

~ Voice of White Buffalo Calf Woman ~
“Aho! Greetings from the Rainbow Tribes,
I am White Buffalo Calf Woman, offering the chanunpa, as the sacred “Pipe of Peace”. I invite you to join me in offering gratitude and prayer to the Great White Spirit as the world ushers in a new Millennium of Peace and Harmony.

According to the Hopi Prophecy, when birds fall from the sky and the animals are dying, a new tribe of people shall come unto the earth from many colors, classes, creeds, who by their actions and deeds, shall make the earth green again. They will be known as the warriors of the Rainbow. This is an auspicious time, a time of gathering the rainbow tribes into a harmonious blend of human alliance. We are here to initiate the most joyous era this planet has ever known, a period of renewed harmony that will see the two-legged awaken, the four-legged flourish, the rivers run pure, and humankind in conscious exchange with the stars. It has been prophesied that the day will come in which all cultures of the 12 rainbow tribes shall smoke the pipe of peace, passing it from one hand to the next, inclusive of all people and all our relations. The ancient prophecy speaks truth. This gathering of the tribes, celebrated by the opening of a new potential in a new millennium is here now.

With this holy pipe the male and female live in balance and harmony. (she ceremoniously joins the pipe stem with the bowl) With this holy pipe in your hands, your feet rest upon the earth and the pipestem reaches into the sky. (she touches the bowl to the earth with the stem pointing upward) The breath of your human body becomes a living bridge between the Sacred Beneath and the Sacred Above.

Wakan Tanka smiles upon us when we come together as one: earth, sky, the two-leggeds, the four-leggeds, the swimmers, the winged ones, the crawly ones, the trees, the stones, the grasses and all living things. We are all one family and the smoking of this pipe binds us together.

I pass this pipe into your hands, smoke and offer your prayers to the Earth Mother, smoke and offer your prayers to Father Sky, smoke and offer your prayers of the Heart. Then in all reverence, pass it on as it continues around the circle of One, for we are all one circle.

We, the bearers of peace, are no longer for the few. We share our ways. We share our ceremonies. We are walking into a new world unraveling the veils of Love. We ask that you share your love with those most dear to you. Share this smoke of the rainbow tribes to create harmony amongst yourselves. A new life awaits you, a life of peace, love and harmony amongst all the tribes on earth and beyond. A new life awaits. Aho”
~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
Excerpt from “Revelations of Love” available in paperback and ebook @

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gratitude for the artwork by Pamela Mccabe


Winter Solstice Celebration 2019

Black Madonna just put me on task to redo her whole altar, ordering me about with her directives. She usually does this a week or so before our Winter Solstice Celebration, but this feels way early.

She had me buy her a silver chalice and offering bowl to celebrate Solstice. Although she has been gifted with ritual accoutrements by others, her altar is usually quite simple with articles of nature. This is the first time she has asked me to purchase something like this for her. She’s now draped in a black silk scarf bordered in red roses, flanked by two golden candles, surrounded by crystals, and holding a faerie wand in her hand. The whole time I’m doing this my body is spinning with little eddies of energy throughout my whole being. Simultaneously, I’m feeling the whole Omniverse spinning with us as she reveals herself as the primordial womb and genesis of Creation. All this time, my tears of JOY are flowing.

She then had me create a wreath of Cedar boughs from our faerie forest to hang overhead and decorate all my window sills with cedar boughs, candles, and faerie lights. I have never seen her look so Regal. Something EXPANSIVE is afoot in these next few weeks!!! And it’s being birthed anew in Love and Joy.


~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Black Madonna Diaries”
available in paperback and ebook @

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Blessing of Transformation

“I am Kali, the Goddess of Transformation who assists in maintaining the balance of Universal order. My sacred fire is a gift of purification in the alchemy of transformation.

I walk before you in the wake of change. Pay attention, heed the warnings, see the signs, listen to your internal wisdom. These stirrings offer you the opportunity to flow with the natural cycles of the universe in grace, rather than allowing them to catch you by surprise amidst the chaos and pain resulting from your attempts to overpower them.

Life is in eternal expansion. Life changes and so must you. Your perceived obstacles are simply a reminder to pause and reevaluate your habitual patterns and beliefs. Once you remove the shackles of the old bereaved belief systems that no longer serve you, you’re free to create a new enlightened foundation. Otherwise your current life shall crumble from beneath you leaving you standing on uneven ground. When the earth quakes, things often collapse and you may find yourself digging through the rubble. But it is here, in what appears as rubble, that the ultimate treasures have been patiently awaiting your embrace.

Beware, I will push you beyond your comfort zone to find the innate power of your full potential. This internal transformation to your GodSelf will rise above the old like a phoenix from the ashes. As the forms of an old culture die the illusion disappears. Meet me in the cauldron of the heart, which lies between the worlds of black and white, good and bad, positive and negative, leaving the extremities of duality behind, all the while experiencing the fullness of it all.

When you heed my call, by stepping away from the old and welcoming the new, you dispel the discordant energies and invite harmony into your world. I am here in service to you. Allow me, Kali, to ease the path of change with grace and return harmony to your Soul Song once again.” ~Goddess Kali Ma~
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
excerpt from “Revelations of Love”, Black Madonna Diaries, Volume I
available in paperback and ebook @

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gratitude to the artist Tantric Marriage by George Atherton

Agape Love

“It’s time to fully open your heart to the path of Agape, the path of love and compassion, truth and integrity, peace and harmony that transcends our human understanding. Most importantly it is the path of divine joy. Once you find the joy in every moment you will know the true passion of life that gives birth to new Creation. You, dear one, have the ability to see and encompass this expanded vision with a pure heart. This is a Divine gift that will serve you well. As time goes on, you shall be seen for the beauty and harmony that radiates from within you, for you are a reflection of me and I of you. We walk as One and know no bounds.”
~Black Madonna~
(excerpt from “Revelations of Love”, Volume I Black Madonna Diaries)

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