Category Archives: Black Madonna Quotes
Humanity’s Physical Deterioration
“Your willingness to expand your consciousness and realize your Divinity determines your ability to create and regenerate. Humanity’s physical deterioration is the result of resistance to change. When your cells are no longer being energetically fed, they begin to die off. But we were never meant to depart this earth in pain and suffering. Rather, to depart with a vibrantly healthy body, singing our glorious alleluias when our soul’s earthly journey reaches completion.” ~Black Madonna~
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Allow the Silence
“Allow the silence to envelope you in the heart of Creation
where Bliss is birthed to sprinkle stars across the ebony sky.”
~Black Madonna~
Life as a Divine Blessing
“Just image what the world would look like
if we each chose to see life as a Divine Blessing.”
~ Black Madonna ~
Flow of Life
“Your soul embodies the totality of your Wisdom
trust it and you shall always live in the flow of life
free of struggle, free of suffering.” ~Black Madonna~
photo: Black Madonna staue at LaPush, Washington
Releasing the Old Self
“Allow the old self to naturally melt away
as the warmth of the Sun shines upon you.
It really is that easy.”
~Black Madonna~
Illusion of Control
“Control is an illusion that’s fueled by fear,
fearing the loss of love, acceptance, abundance, health, security, etc.
But control freezes the energy and what’s lost
is the freedom of expansion and creativity.
We are the expressions of Creation,
not the controllers of it.”
~ Black Madonna ~
Gift of the Soul
“The essence of your experience is your soul’s gift.
Leave the worn out stories behind.”
~ Black Madonna~
Courage to Leave Behind
“When you have the courage to leave behind a world that you love, know that which you are stepping into is far superior to what you are leaving behind.”
~ Black Madonna ~
artwork: Blessed are the Pure in Heart by Satoshi Matsuyama
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