

“In answer to your question of preordained destiny. You live on a planet of free will. Therefore, you always have choice. But often those choices were made before you incarnated. Thus, you may consider some aspects of your life as preordained because you orchestrated them from a more expanded perspective before you were born. Your soul template for this incarnation carries your Inner Wisdom that has been gathered from all your experiences throughout all your lifetimes. It was your connection to the earth that drew you to this time and place. It is your Soul that guides you via the divinity of your Inner Wisdom. By trusting it you shall always live in the flow of life without struggle, without suffering, in the right place at the right time. Your passion for life is entwined with your Inner Wisdom and your joy expands with your ability to follow it.” ~ Black Madonna ~
Excerpt from Black Madonna Diaries by Sharon Lyn Shepard
available in paperback and ebook @

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The Nature of Miracles


“Miracles upon miracles. Know that you are always surrounded by miracles. But in order to see them, you need to be fully present in joyful anticipation. When you see the world as a child believes, the magic finds you and the nature of miracles is revealed unto you.
Slow down. Each moment, each step, each action carries within it a potential miracle. Every thing, every action, every word, and the space-in-between holds within it all the frequencies and all the dimensions with infinite potentials. It is up to you to choose how you perceive it. For magic lives in each cell, each atom. Magic surrounds you. When you become fully conscious and treat life as a miracle, your life becomes the miracle. Which do you choose to see? How do you choose to experience the world? The choice is yours.” ~ Black Madonna ~

Excerpt from Black Madonna Diaries by Sharon Lyn Shepard
available in paperback and ebook @

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Return of the Rainbow Tribes

“On the initial days after the birth of this planet, the dazzling sun shone upon it with a multitude of colors streaming from the original twelve sacred rays of the Primal Creator. Each ray carried its own unique vibration, sound, and color. As they danced together, they whirled and twirled glorious ethereal art and music beyond our imagination.

As the energies matured, the elements manifested as fire, water, earth, and air. Nature became the proliferation we’re accustomed to today. Fabulous beings of light walked upon this earth embodying an amalgamation of the twelve sacred rays.

However, according to the divine plan, as the density of the planet increased, human awareness decreased. Some of the higher more refined vibrations were no longer sustainable in this dense environment. So one by one, many of these rays disappeared from human perception, but continued to hold their sacred space for the eventual planetary ascension as we progressed through the natural cosmic cycle. As a result, the planet fell into third-dimensional duality and only four primary rays remain.

As many of the ancient prophecies predicted, the day would come when the rainbow tribes would once again reunite and dance together in a golden age of harmony, creating art and music beyond anything this planet has ever experienced before. However, in order for that to occur, all twelve sacred rays need to be grounded in the earth’s core.

Although all the rays are held within the cellular memory of every being on the planet, one ray is always more prevalent than the others for each of us. Thus, each being responds to life from that dominant ray. Their passion, purpose, and gifts to the world have evolved from this one specific ray. Up until now, only a limited number of rays have been active because the density of our planet could not support the more refined vibrations.

To your dismay, some of the rays you have been carrying have felt dissonant in your life because there has been no resonance for them here on earth. You have never understood the way human beings think and act, for you have a totally different perspective of life. With the grounding of the twelve rays, the hidden complementary rays will act as harmonizers. With this shift in vibration, you will be able to fully relax into your human body and enjoy the depth of life to its fullest.

Today, everything is in the process of changing. The expanded vibration of the planet can now support all these frequencies. By anchoring these vibrations in the core of mother earth, the missing rays become reactivated to open new potentials that will benefit all of mankind.

These harmonizing vibrations transcend the illusions of separation and duality. Thus, we shall walk together in harmony on the sacred path of peace across all cultural boundaries. We will begin to initiate the laying down of weapons, living in harmlessness, in balance with all beings, and working side by side to enhance life.

The rainbow tribes are gathering once again. It is time to birth the new reality that has been written in the prophecies passed down through eons of time. This is the precipice upon which we now stand as the Universe fully opens to us once again.” ~White Buffalo Calf Woman~

Excerpt from “Divinely Human, Black Madonna Diaries” by Sharon Lyn Shepard
available in paperback and ebook @

Gratitude for the artwork by Amanda Wills

Expanded Reality

“A whole new world comes into view as you reawaken to your expanded consciousness. Although it may seem so, this is not a new reality. For it has been here since the beginning of time, hidden beyond the distortions of your mind.

When you step out of your antiquated human limitations and fully open your heart, your whole perception changes. The old constraints melt away and your vision shifts. You see with a new set of eyes, the eyes of the heart. Reality lies within the heart. Illusion is created by the mind. Sink fully into your heart to see that which has been eluding you. When you trust yourself enough to open your mind to all that already exists, you shall find yourself living in this delightfully expanded reality. It really is that simple.

Stop trying to figure it out, for you cannot. Neither your brain nor your mind will ever understand. The deceptions of the human mind are an attempt to avoid its fear of the unknown. Thus, it is only through your heart that you can know the truth. So gently relax into your heart and allow Love to lead.

This is not about changing your reality. It’s about expanding your awareness of it. By living in the present moment, you will hear with new ears. By observing beyond the obvious, you will see with new eyes. Soon enough you will reawaken to your human Divinity.

So stop puppeting others in order to fit into their old agendas. Honor your differences, for the diversity of man is the path to expansion, not uniformity. The more you honor your sovereignty, the sooner your mind will outgrow the old molds and recognize your unique expression of Divinity.

Know this! The molds have been broken. You can no longer fit into them. The more you try, the more splintered life becomes. The support for your present materialistic lifestyle has shifted. We are a planet of Love. We are a planet of diversity. Expansion is upon us, expansion of the heart and soul.

Look beyond the obvious and you shall find the bliss that you planted as the seeds of life, true life. Not the superficial life that you have been living while only partially awake and aware. Nothing is birthed from outside you. It is all birthed from within your Divinity. Nurture these seeds. Protect them from the harsh world that surrounds you. Live in the fullness of your passion for that is the fertile ground in which it grows. Watch these seeds blossom with a new sweet fragrance that infiltrates your everyday life. Breathe it in, Beloved, breathe it in.

Breathe in the fragrance of your Divinity which has been so long forgotten. Breathe your Divinity in all of its glory. Dance in the Light. Expand in Love. Sing with the Joy that bubbles from within. For it is your expanded consciousness that continues to birth infinite new realities.” ~ Black Madonna ~

Note: I received this message from the Black Madonna while living in Spain many years ago and was guided to repost it because it feels even more relevant today than the day I first received it (when I felt like I was experiencing my training wheels).
Excerpt from Black Madonna Diaries by Sharon Lyn Shepard
available in paperback and ebook @

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Revelations Unmasked

“As new waves of Light filter into our unconscious, revelations are being unmasked. Embrace them with the Love you would show a child. For in reality, they are all our creations that have been hidden behind the veils, now returned home to our heart space.”
~Black Madonna~
Excerpt from Black Madonna Diaries by Sharon Lyn Shepard
available in paperback and ebook @

For more about Black Madonna visit:

Creative Genius

“You incarnated as Source in physical form.
By yourself, estranged from Source, you are ordinary.
Together you become the womb of a magnificent creative genius.”
~Black Madonna~
Excerpt from “Black Madonna Diaries” by Sharon Lyn Shepard
available in paperback and ebook @


Elixir of Love

Beware that the idea of giving and receiving love is based in the limitation of duality.

BE LOVE and you will always be FULL, filled with the Elixir of Love that is so often spoken of by the mystics. The Elixir of Love that’s eternally bubbling from the crystalline chalice of your Heart and overflowing into the world.

Excerpt from Black Madonna Diaries by Sharon Lyn Shepard
available in paperback and ebook @

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Art of Allowing

“It often demands more Courage to step back and allow things to take their natural course
then it does to step in and fix that which “appears” to be broken.”
~ Black Madonna ~
Excerpt from Black Madonna Diaries
available in paperback and ebook @

For more about Black Madonna visit:

Gratitude for the artwork by Zeng Hao

Return to our Divinity

Excerpt from “Black Madonna Diaries”
available in paperback and ebook @

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