As I was enjoying a morning cup of tea, a being appeared to my right. Although this has happened quite often before, when I turn my head to look at them full on they usually disappear. This time the being appeared solid. As I gazed into her eyes, she asked me for my hand. When I extended my hand, her touch felt physical as if a human was holding my hand and I realized it was the Black Madonna.
Loving energy began flowing from her hand through my whole body bringing me to tears. My vision softened and I was in a sort of plasma that was gently undulating in waves. Then everything went dark. I observed a woman moving through this darkness as if she were an apparition. She was filled with soft light and moved with the eloquence of grace. Madonna then said to me, “The woman you are observing is you. What you are doing is walking through the darkness, allowing your light to illuminate all that is hidden. The truth is being revealed and the falsehoods have nowhere to hide anymore. You are not battling the darkness. You are simply walking through it with the Grace of the Divine to awaken humanity to the truth of who they are. Don’t ever doubt the importance of what you are doing simply because you know how to do it with ease and grace. Together we are gifting humanity with our Love and Grace.”
I felt her hand loosen when I whispered, “Thank you”, then she slowly disappeared. Needless to say, I was streaming a multitude of tears as my vision slowly returned to normal once again.
Over the years I have had many encounters with the Black Madonna, many of which have been recorded in my published books “Revelations of Love” and “Divinely Human”. I often hear her speaking to me, but I’ve never felt her physical touch in this way before.
I floated through the rest of the day in an altered state. It has taken me several days to acclimate to a new way of being. For this was not a simple moment in time. It was a realization and invocation, not only for me personally, but for all of humanity.
The veils no longer exist.
For those who have eyes, let them see.
For those who have ears let them hear.
~ Sharon Lyn Shepard ~
Black Madonna Diary Series:
“Revelations of Love”
“Divinely Human”
available in paperback and ebook @
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