Rites of Passage

In the first volume of the Black Madonna Diaries, Revelations of Love, Madonna introduces us to the Rites of Passage that will be experienced in this journey of the heart.

In the words of the Black Madonna:

“What you are about to embark upon is a commitment equivalent to the Rites of Passage into the Revelations of Love as taught in the ancient Mystery Schools. The initiates in ancient Egypt frequented the inner chambers of the temples and pyramids to access universal wisdom for transformation. As an initiate of the twenty-first century, you are utilizing the chambers of the heart and the fires of everyday life for your alchemical transformation.

“Do not take it lightly, but neither fear the process for it is one of empowerment, meant to expand your heart, mind and soul. As we begin the process, I shall walk in front of you as a teacher and guide. After you gain your footing, we shall walk side by side as companions. Eventually, you will step into your own Mastery and I will be delighted to support you in all of your creative endeavors.  ~ Black Madonna ~ 

God Without Words

God without words ~

“The persona of god has been bastardized by many a religion. You’ve been so disturbed by the patriarchal archetype of god that you can’t even use the word god. You step around it using words like Spirit, Universe, Source, Creator, but even those don’t roll off your tongue very easily. You say you use these words so you don’t offend others. You say you use them to be all inclusive. You say you use them so others feel comfortable. In reality, you use them because YOU are not comfortable.

That’s understandable, because God is beyond words. As long as you use words to describe god, you will never know god. God is omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent. You have to “feel” god to know god. And then….it will not matter what you call god. You will not care if god is a he or a she.

Once you embody the realization that you are god also, you will use the word God freely. Only now, it will carry the vibration of All that Is. Others will feel that emanating from within you as you speak the word. You will not offend. You will not leave anyone out. The words don’t matter, because you are the essence of God that transcends all words.” ~Black Madonna~


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Allow the Silence

“Allow the silence to envelope you in the heart of Creation
where Bliss is birthed to sprinkle stars across the ebony sky.”

~Black Madonna~

Being in the Present Moment

This morning, as I was spontaneously scrubbing down the shower walls along with my body scrub, I was reminded of this passage from the Black Madonna Diaries book:”As I ladle the homemade chai from its pot into my bright yellow mug, I notice the stove is covered in brown speckles from the simmering herbs. It needs cleaning. I turn off the flame, remove the pot and dip the small blue sponge into warm soapy water to scour the range top. While I’m at it, I may as well replenish the pot of herbs I have simmering throughout the winter season, keeping an instant cup of tea handy with pleasant warm aromas saturating the flat. I return the renewed pot of green tea, ginger, clove, cardamom, and cinnamon to the burner and relight the flame. Stepping back from the counter to survey my accomplishment, I savor a sip of the spicy warm tea.
Now, what was I doing? Oh yes, writing. I’m so scattered
these days, doing a little of this, a little of that. What’s happened to my organizational skills?
“You’re not scattered, you’re finally beginning to live in the present moment,” Madonna’s reading my thoughts again. “As you’re preparing a cup of tea, a dirty kitchen catches your attention. Rather than think ‘I should clean the kitchen’, then put it on your to-do list, you simply do it. You’re no longer living in a world of ‘shoulds’. You choose in the moment: to either clean the kitchen, or let it go. There are no ‘shoulds’. Did you get your cup of tea?”
“Are you heading back to what you were doing?”
“With a clear mind, no dirty kitchen looming over your present activity. Sometimes the appropriate choice is to ignore the kitchen, but then put it aside without any ‘should’ attached to it. Thus, you’re living in the present moment, free of mind clutter. You’re not scattered. Let that old curriculum go,” she says with a wink.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~Excerpt from “Revelations of Love” Volume I of Black Madonna Diaries series

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Illusion of Control

“Control is an illusion that’s fueled by fear,
fearing the loss of love, acceptance, abundance, health, security, etc.
But control freezes the energy and what’s lost
is the freedom of expansion and creativity.

We are the expressions of Creation,
not the controllers of it.”
~ Black Madonna ~


Courage to Leave Behind

“When you have the courage to leave behind a world that you love, know that which you are stepping into is far superior to what you are leaving behind.”

~ Black Madonna ~

artwork: Blessed are the Pure in Heart by Satoshi Matsuyama

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