Rites of Passage

“Open your mind to transcend your old beliefs and see life anew. I invite you to immerse yourself in Divine Love to experience the sacred rites of passage that will expand your consciousness beyond anything you can ever imagine.

As the Initiate, you will step beyond your mind and dive into the Truth of Love to reveal your unconscious limiting emotions, thoughts, and beliefs. Love speaks Truth. So when you open to Divine Love, you awaken to a clear awareness of life through your sacred heart.

As the Apprentice, you will transcend your deep-rooted limitations by learning to trust your own innate wisdom to make conscious choices. Your practice will include trial and error, but there are no mistakes. For every experience is a gift to expand your consciousness to realize more of who you are.

As the Adept, you will practice the art of being in the present moment as a pure expression of Divine Love, Joy, and Wisdom that naturally unfolds when you live in conscious alignment with the Divinity within you.

Then dear heart, we shall unfurl our wings and soar into new expansions of Consciousness beyond your earthly awareness, inviting all to join us.” ~ Black Madonna ~
Excerpt from “Revelations of Love: Black Madonna Diaries” by Sharon Lyn Shepard
available in paperback and ebook @


Posted in Book Exerpts.

Sharon Lyn Shepard is a modern day mystic, visionary, dream weaver, melody maker, and maestro of words. She speaks from beyond the limitations of the human mind sparking our passion and offering glimpses to discover our own soul’s wisdom.

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