Soul’s Calling

“When you have the courage to leave behind a world that you love, know that which you are stepping into is far superior to what you are leaving behind. These things of the material world no longer hold importance for you. You already embody the memories that you hold most dear. It’s time to pass these things on to others who shall love them just as much as you have. Realize that you are walking toward something rather than escaping a life that’s no longer working. Your heart knows you have chosen well. Now, allow it to lead the way by stepping into your soul’s calling as a role model for others.” ~ Black Madonna ~
Excerpt from “Revelations of Love:Black Madonna Diaries” by Sharon Lyn Shepard
available in paperback and ebook @

Posted in Book Exerpts.

Sharon Lyn Shepard is a modern day mystic, visionary, dream weaver, melody maker, and maestro of words. She speaks from beyond the limitations of the human mind sparking our passion and offering glimpses to discover our own soul’s wisdom.

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