Stand in the Power of Love

“The human being is truly magnificent, created as the embodiment of God! Do not allow your world’s oppression and negativity to seep into your sacred being. It’s time to step out of your unconscious role as victim and stand in the Power of Love.

For whenever we judge or strike out at another, we only continue to wound ourselves. This way of suffering must come to an end! It is time to expose your wounds and allow me to soothe them with the salve of Love. Know that I am always at your side to heal whatever seems incapable of love and compassion.

When worldly circumstances challenge you, challenge yourself to be free of judgments by offering the divinity of Love in its place. If you find the situation impossible, then quietly withdraw and offer love and compassion from afar, especially for those immersed in pain and fear. And whenever you lose your way, know that I will tenderly bring you back to your heart, always with Love.”
~ Black Madonna ~

Excerpt from “Revelations of Love: Black Madonna Diaries”
by Sharon Lyn Shepard
available in paperback and ebook @

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If you find peace, love, joy or inspiration here, please consider sharing your Gratitude with a Love Offering to support this page in remaining 100% free for everyone. I thank you for your Soul Embrace and may your kind generosity return to you multiplied many fold! ~DONATE

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Opening to Nature

“Our magnificent Mother Earth offers such natural beauty that goes unnoticed and it’s time to reawaken to that beauty. In doing so, we shall spark the Love that resides within all sentient beings. As we open our hearts to Nature, we open to the Mother, just as you’ve opened your heart to me. Together we will watch Love unfold like the petals of a beautiful rose whose scent radiates without bounds.

Welcome Home, my Beloved, welcome to the sanctuary of your heart where you are safe, loved, fed and nurtured.”~ Black Madonna ~

Excerpt from “Revelations of Love: Black Madonna Diaries”
by Sharon Lyn Shepard
available in paperback and ebook @

Gratitude for the photo by Louise Klein

💕 These Offerings are my Sacred Gift to you.
If you find peace, love, joy or inspiration here, please consider sharing your Gratitude with a Love Offering to support this page in remaining 100% free for everyone. I thank you for your Soul Embrace and may your kind generosity return to you multiplied many fold! ~DONATE~

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New Chapter in the Book of Love

When you loosen your grip on life and allow Love to fill all those empty, aching places within, the longing and loneliness you’ve been experiencing will naturally subside. But you were never really alone, you just got lost in the veils of illusion as you lived your life outside of your heart. Then, you heard my still small voice calling from inside you as the things of the material world lost their significance, no longer holding dominion over you.

Now, you have come Home and found me awaiting you with arms open wide. And so, dear heart, together we open a new chapter in the “Book of Love”. It is time to write a new story for the inhabitants of planet earth, a story of peace, love, and harmony.

Excerpt from “Revelations of Love: Black Madonna Diaries” by Sharon Lyn Shepard
available in paperback and ebook @

💕 These Offerings are my Sacred Gift to you.
If you find peace, love, joy or inspiration here, please consider sharing your Gratitude with a Love Offering to support this page in remaining 100% free for everyone. I thank you for your Soul Embrace and may your kind generosity return to you multiplied many fold! ~DONATE~

♥ Sharing and gratitude donations are always appreciated ♥
I invite you to freely share my offerings with others. Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.

Sanctuary of the Heart

“I invite you to enter the passages of your heart where every action is already perfect as the essence of Divine Love. Open yourself to become a magnificent, joyful, conscious creator in the sacred sanctuary of your heart. For your heart knows what your mind does not. You simply need to trust the wisdom of your heart, because fear has no place in your heart where the soul is always at liberty and unable to be walled in. The heart knows what it knows and the mind, try as it might, can never overcome it. An instantaneous spark of elation, a flood of passion, or the smoldering of unremitting love will betray anyone who intends to veil its presence.”
~ Black Madonna ~
Excerpt from “Revelations of Love: Black Madonna Diaries” by Sharon Lyn Shepard
available in paperback and ebook @

💕 These Offerings are my Sacred Gift to you.
If you find peace, love, joy or inspiration here, please consider sharing your Gratitude with a Love Offering to support this page in remaining 100% free for everyone. I thank you for your Soul Embrace and may your kind generosity return to you multiplied many fold! ~DONATE~

♥ Sharing and gratitude donations are always appreciated ♥
I invite you to freely share my offerings with others. Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.


Unmasking Revelations

“As new waves of Light filter into our unconscious, revelations are being unmasked. Embrace them with the Love you would show a child. For in reality, they are all our creations that have been hidden behind the veils, now returned home to our heart space.” ~ Black Madonna ~
Excerpt from “Revelations of Love: Black Madonna Diaries” by Sharon Lyn Shepard
available in paperback and ebook @

💕 These Offerings are my Sacred Gift to you.
If you find peace, love, joy or inspiration here, please consider sharing your Gratitude with a Love Offering to support this page in remaining 100% free for everyone. I thank you for your Soul Embrace and may your kind generosity return to you multiplied many fold! ~DONATE~

♥ Sharing and gratitude donations are always appreciated ♥
I invite you to freely share my offerings with others. Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.

Christmas Message from Madonna

Christmas Message from Mother Mary

“Peace be unto you my precious one. It is I, Mother Mary, the Goddess of infinite Love, come to celebrate with you on this Christmas Eve, most holy of nights. Ah, such sweet sweet stillness. Such peace and beauty surround us. For on this night, this glorious night, is born unto us the Holy Child. Through me, yes, but ’twas the child of all of us, nonetheless. For within each of us lies the Love, the Grace, and the radiance of the Christ Child.

I come this night to awaken you, to remind you, for you have forgotten and turned away from the truth of this birthing. It’s time to awaken and acknowledge the magnificence that lies within you.

As the ultimate mother, I open my arms to you with unconditional love, wrap them around you, gather you close, and breath in your sweet sweet essence. Just as Yeshua, you are my child, one who walks the planet in blessedness. It matters not what you have chosen to do with your life. It matters not if you are famous, rich or poor, my arms fit perfectly around you.

I see the truth of who you are and I am here to hold that vision for you to step into, if and when you choose. In doing so, may you see that which lies within you. You, my precious one, have an unconditional overflowing love for your self. If you didn’t, you couldn’t see it in another. I am simply here to remind you of that which already resides within you. I bid you, dear heart, open to the love and beauty that surrounds you.

Remember the joy, innocence, and wonderment that you felt as a child on that first Christmas and embody it once again. For this is the joy that fills our hearts as we await your birth into a new world that you yourself are creating.

A new life awaits you. As the light returns from its season of darkness, as Christ was born on Christmas Day so shall you be birthed once again. This Christmas bestows upon you all that you have waited upon for so long, for so many lifetimes. What you shall find is that you are the present, to your self and to all of us. You are the Divine present. See the Christ Child within you. Follow the star in the East directly into the manger within your heart. Therein lies your true essence my precious one, the purity of Divine Love, the Christ child within each and every one of you.”

~ Mother Mary ~

Excerpt from “Revelations of Love: Black Madonna Diaries” by Sharon Lyn Shepard
available in paperback and ebook @

♥ Sharing is always appreciated ♥
I invite you to freely share my offerings with others. Please maintain the integrity by including the author and source website link.

A New Life Awaits

“As the ultimate mother, I open my arms to you with unconditional love, wrap them around you, gather you close, and breath in your sweet sweet essence. Just as Yeshua, you are my child, one who walks the planet in blessedness. It matters not what you have chosen to do with your life. It matters not if you are famous, rich or poor, my arms fit perfectly around you.

I see the truth of who you are and I am here to hold that vision for you to step into, if and when you choose. In doing so, may you see that which lies within you. You, my precious one, have an unconditional overflowing love for your self. If you didn’t, you couldn’t see it in another. I am simply here to remind you of that which already resides within you. I bid you, dear heart, open to the love and beauty that surrounds you. A new life awaits.
~ Mother Mary ~

(Posted on August 15: Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Mary)

Excerpt from “Revelations of Love: Black Madonna Diaries” by Sharon Lyn Shepard
available in paperback and ebook @

For more about Sharon Lyn Shepard visit:

Soul’s Calling

“When you have the courage to leave behind a world that you love, know that which you are stepping into is far superior to what you are leaving behind. These things of the material world no longer hold importance for you. You already embody the memories that you hold most dear. It’s time to pass these things on to others who shall love them just as much as you have. Realize that you are walking toward something rather than escaping a life that’s no longer working. Your heart knows you have chosen well. Now, allow it to lead the way by stepping into your soul’s calling as a role model for others.” ~ Black Madonna ~
Excerpt from “Revelations of Love:Black Madonna Diaries” by Sharon Lyn Shepard
available in paperback and ebook @

Rites of Passage

“Open your mind to transcend your old beliefs and see life anew. I invite you to immerse yourself in Divine Love to experience the sacred rites of passage that will expand your consciousness beyond anything you can ever imagine.

As the Initiate, you will step beyond your mind and dive into the Truth of Love to reveal your unconscious limiting emotions, thoughts, and beliefs. Love speaks Truth. So when you open to Divine Love, you awaken to a clear awareness of life through your sacred heart.

As the Apprentice, you will transcend your deep-rooted limitations by learning to trust your own innate wisdom to make conscious choices. Your practice will include trial and error, but there are no mistakes. For every experience is a gift to expand your consciousness to realize more of who you are.

As the Adept, you will practice the art of being in the present moment as a pure expression of Divine Love, Joy, and Wisdom that naturally unfolds when you live in conscious alignment with the Divinity within you.

Then dear heart, we shall unfurl our wings and soar into new expansions of Consciousness beyond your earthly awareness, inviting all to join us.” ~ Black Madonna ~
Excerpt from “Revelations of Love: Black Madonna Diaries” by Sharon Lyn Shepard
available in paperback and ebook @


Pathways of the Heart

“This expanded consciousness ushers us into new multidimensional spaces. Here the style of work changes. Everything is accomplished through the pathways of the heart. You’ll soon realize that joining in the dramas of the old world will result in nothing more than proliferating imbalanced emotions stimulated by duality. By remaining grounded in your heart you become strong and courageous by effortlessly radiating an aura of love, compassion, and harmony. Nothing more is needed. There is nothing more powerful than this.”
Excerpt from “Revelations of Love: Black Madonna Diaries” by Sharon Lyn Shepard
available in paperback and ebook @